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How to Art like a Pro: Meeting Artists At Open Studios

Meeting artists at Open Studios:

Although you can make appointments to visit artists singly in their studios, some find an even better way is to attend a studio tour, art walk or open studios event. Many cities have them where there is a concentration of artists or even artist colonies. At these events you get the opportunity to meet many artists at once, speak with them about their art and even get the best selection of their art. Many times, because you are meeting with the artists directly, you may get much more information from the artists themselves about the history and motivations of particular pieces of artwork, allowing them to become more significant or beautiful to you, the viewer. There aren't many better ways to get personal contact with the artist as there are in open studios, especially if you are a new art buyer and because the artist is selling the work themselves they may be flexible with the pricing of their art.

Tip based on sections of The Art of Buying Art, by Alan Bamberger

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life".
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